•  info@snowhomea4sd.org |
  • +256772534613   
  • Folow Us :

We are non profit Organisation.

* Our Culture Tenets

1. Act Proficiently

2. Spare others feelings of self-worth

3. Ideate to Move change

4. Transition the Obvious

5. Adaptive Learning

Act Proficiently

We always demonstrate and establish adequate knowledge and skills to exceed performance levels, building humanity for desired outcomes.

We Spare others feelings of self-worth

Value human beings while respecting and thinking well of oneself , treat others the way you would treat yourself, be confident, be stable and focused , Praise others for achievements on the team as one score.

We ideate to move change

Focused on being creative and systematic while generating Valuable ideas, net working with other players for innovation development with a sense to solving complex challenges with new ideas.

Transition the obvious.

We impress massive change, building effective teams, looking constantly to the future rather than the past using required skill set to encompass full range of business enterprise and life after retirement.

Adaptive Learning:

Always base on delivery custom learning experiences to address unique training needs and skills development to youth and women and teachers to achieve the right pathways for them to succeed in today’s competitive world of Business